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Hua, Prayer flags and Tiger’s Nest Monastery

LICENSED_bhutan-3250.jpg Hua, Prayer flags and Tiger’s Nest Monastery ThumbnailsTiger’s Nest Monastery Hua, Prayer flags and Tiger’s Nest Monastery ThumbnailsTiger’s Nest Monastery Hua, Prayer flags and Tiger’s Nest Monastery ThumbnailsTiger’s Nest Monastery Hua, Prayer flags and Tiger’s Nest Monastery ThumbnailsTiger’s Nest Monastery

TAKTSHANG GOEMBA The Taktshang Goemba (which translates as Tiger’s Nest Monastery is the most famous of Bhutan’s monasteries, miraculously perched on the side of a sheer cliff 900m above the floor of Paro valley, where the only sounds are the murmurs of wind and water and the creaking of the prayer wheels. It is said that Guru Rinpoche flew to the site of the monastery on the back of a tigress (a manifestation of his consort Yeshe Tsogyal) to subdue the local demon, Singey Samdrup. He then meditated in a cave here for three months. The site has long been recognised as a ney, or holy place. Milarepa is said to have meditated here, Thangtong Gyalpo revealed a terma (treasure text) here and Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal visited in 1646. Pilgrims from all over Bhutan come to the site. The penlop of Paro, Gyalse Tenzin Rabgye, built the primary lhakhang in 1692 around the Dubkhang (also called the Pelphu), the holy cave in which Guru Rinpoche meditated.

Lonely, Planet (2012-06-21). Bhutan Travel Guide (Country Travel Guide)

Sven Tetzlaff
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